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Diners to Devotees: Creating Loyalty that Lasts

Gone are the days of the punch card and in are the days of in-app rewards. Loyalty programs are significant in impacting consumer choices. They can work to foster a relationship and sway customers from choosing competitors.


The importance of rewarding your customer is never going out of style. Making the app user-friendly is a basic and necessary step to take when it comes to building a good foundation between your customer and loyalty program. A great way to be intuitive is to have a simple walk-through once the app is downloaded. This lets the customer know which widgets to use for scanning, notifications, menu and redeeming.

Keeping a level of consistency is key. If you often change key functions of your app, like how customers earn or cash-in points, it can cause uncertainty on how the process works, making them disregard the use of the rewards and potentially the app.

Instead, keep the structure of the rewards system in place and make small edits along the way that benefit the customer. If you are planning a rewards structure overhaul, be sure to let current users know well in advance, and ensure you have a seamless process to allow redemption of previously earned rewards. Be encouraging and show the value of any new functions or features that are introduced.


A unique way to keep the customers’ attention is by focusing on personalized rewards. By recognizing their dining habits, you not only reinforce repeat orders, but also strengthen the loyalty of your relationship. Once trust is established, you can then share news of limited-time only deals, new items and more!

Targeted notifications for new offers are a great way to grab the attention of your audience. In fact, 41% of loyal customers crave them. Not only will this influence repeat visits, but also their ordering habits. Take things a step further with personalized rewards based on past orders. 81% of users want an app loyalty experience that feels like you already know what they want.


Gen Z and millennials are two generations that are using the same rewards app, but in slightly different ways based on the period of life they are in. Dining out is about more than just food for Gen Z and millennials. Convenience, entertainment and affordability are all factors that play a part in the overall experience for these generations.

Gen Z is looking for engaging ways to gain rewards to make redeeming them feel worth the work. For millennials, many have families of their own with limited time and resources. They look for quicker ways to get points and a bigger redemption offer compared to Gen Z.

For Gen X and beyond, price is the leading factor in how they view loyalty programs. While their primary interest is saving money, they also want to be informed about things like new menu items. A seamless dining experience might be nice, it won't win them over if it doesn't address their budget concerns. In short, younger diners crave convenience and entertainment, while older diners prioritize value and relevant information.


We’re signing up! Joining a rewards club should guide users through the app and welcome them with a big reward. We’re talking FREE.

For example, when you sign up for Jimmy John’s Freaky Fast Rewards® you automatically receive a free sandwich offer and an extra incentive to start your in-app badge collection with the Rock Star Rookie achievement badge. Other badges pop up along the way that offer deals like the $10 meals and badges associated with LTOs. In addition to the badges, earning rewards is easy. Jimmy John’s uses a gauge to show how close you are to your next reward.

Unlike many rewards programs, instead of using a tier system that lets you bank your points for higher offers, Jimmy John’s uses surprise and delight once you’ve unlocked your next reward, leaving a little intrigue behind what you may earn next!

This approach appeals to the priorities of Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X alike, addressing Gen Z and millennials' craving for entertainment with earning badges while also incorporating LTO news and unbeatable offers.


We are obsessed with all things food and service. With that in mind, what restaurant rewards program do you feel we should check out? Let us know what features you wish more brands would incorporate into their rewards system.